Chip Foxx
Conservative Pundit

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Foxx is a right-wing pundit with talk shows on Jones’ radio networks, OC and XABS, and on TV's DNN,as well as writing a column for the Post.
The Sly Foxx News page is the web portal to his three endeavors.
Al Franken has named Foxx, along with Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly, as “America’s Axis of Evil.”
His second published book, Crazy Like a Foxx, spent 42 weeks on The New York Times Bestseller List.
Foxx is quite the controversial figure, owning a Saipan sweatshop, having giving out troop movements while an embed, having a long-term relationship with a transsexual prostitute and having abused prescription drugs.
Chip recently underwent reconstructive surgery to look like his nemesis, George Clooney. (this was not the first facelift, as he was altered to look like Nik Gowing in 2002) Sadly for Chip, The Army of Truth intervened, and he was given his old face back.
Oh- screw Colbert for not only coming first, but continuing to be more brilliant.

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Fun Facts
Chrone's appearance prior to his plastic surgery was erily similar to BBC World News Today anchor Nik Gowing, whereas afterward he more closely resembled Post creator Tianello.